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Which payment options do you offer in NZ?

These are the different payment options available in New Zealand

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Written by Easy Crypto
Updated over 6 months ago

There are five different payment methods you can use on our website, Account2Account, POLI Pay, Debit/Credit card, Online Eftpos and Bank Deposit.

When making a buy order, once you have entered your wallet address you will then be asked to pick a method of payment for your order.

Each method has slight differences and are the most commonly used payment methods for shopping.

The Payment Method page clearly shows the different options, speeds of processing, fees the processor charges and the banks that work with those options.

The fee charged is by the payment processor, like the Paywave surcharge that you see in shops these days.

Please note that banks may hold or delay payments without notifying anyone.
If this happens, get in touch with your bank.

Account2Account (A2A)

Account2Account (A2A) works with most major New Zealand banks and it allows you to make fast payments.

It operates through Windcave's Account2Account payment service which is a secure outsourced partner to all major merchant banks in Australasia.

The data is SSL encrypted with the Windcave secure environment providing the same level of encryption security as any online banking portal transactional process.

Online Eftpos by Worldline

Online Eftpos is a fast, secure payment option that works with ASB, Westpac and Co-operative banks.

This payment method requires you to log in to your banking app to confirm the payment option and is incredibly easy to use!


POLI Pay is an instant payment service based in Australia that uses your standard online banking account to make payments to any of the partnered banks.

Debit/Credit card (Stripe)

Stripe is a payment service provider that allows us to offer buy orders to our customers using credit or debit cards to complete payments.

Stripe works with all Visa and Mastercard cards and allows you to make fast payments so we can complete your order and send the crypto almost instantly.

Some card issuers charge additional fees or treat the payment as a cash advance. Please check with your bank for more information.

Bank Deposit

With a bank deposit, you enter your own banking payment system and make a payment to the Easy Crypto Bank account number given to you during the order process.

This is also a free option and is available for use with most banks. As it is completely reliant on when the bank sends Easy Crypto the money, the amount of time it takes can vary greatly. There can often be delays outside of normal banking hours. We endeavour to make your Crypto experience as easy as possible and once we have received the funds we are able to confirm the rate that the crypto will be purchased at.

The rate is locked in once we are able to confirm the payment has been received.

Delayed payments

Recently there has been an increase in banks withholding funds for orders. 😐

This happens more often for account holders with ANZ and can be for a number of reasons.

If this happens to you, please wait for a couple of hours before getting in touch with us and then follow it up with your bank.

We don't want to slow down your crypto transaction unnecessarily but we cannot release the crypto if we haven't received the funds.

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