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How can I increase my limits?

Find out here how to easily increase your limits

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Written by Easy Crypto
Updated over a week ago

If you're keen to understand your buying and selling limits, you've come to the right place!

We understand that sometimes that you may want to spend or sell more than what your current limits are set to.

If you'd like to spend beyond our standard account limits, or transact privacy coins - then we are required to verify the source of the money/currency you plan to spend with us.

We don't want to get in the way between you and your crypto, so here is how you can easily apply for additional limits for buys or sells to ensure your application is approved first time round!

Increasing your buy limit

What are my buying limits?

Provided you’ve had both your ID & home address verified, you will be granted our standard account limits:

  • NZ$100,000 total to start out. Once this amount is spent, your limits will be topped up to $20,000 at the start of each month moving forward.

  • Daily spend cap of $20,000 per day on buy orders.

How do I increase my buy limits?

To raise your limit from the standard amount, please tell us what you would like your limit set to and provide some additional information about where the funds are coming from, by collecting evidence of your source of wealth (or in some cases, your specific source of funds).

⚠️ We can only accept PDF files as documentary evidence - csv / xlsx / docx files cannot be accepted.

What is your Source of Wealth?

Your source of wealth refers to how you've accumulated your money. Here are some common examples:

  • Employment: Income from your job.

  • Business: Profits from running a business.

  • Investments: Money earned from stocks, shares, or property.

  • Inheritance: Money or assets received from a family member.

  • Savings: Money saved over time.

What is your Source of Funds?

Your source of funds is where the money you're using came from. Here are some common examples:

  • Salary: Money earned from your job.

  • Business profits: Money earned from your business.

  • Savings: Money you've saved.

  • Loan: Money borrowed from a bank or other lender.

  • Sale of assets: Money from selling property, shares, or other valuables.

We may ask for supporting documents, such as:

  • Payslips

  • Business financial statements

  • Investment statements

  • Bank statements

  • Loan agreements

Here are some examples of the types of evidence that might be acceptable:

Source of wealth

Examples of evidence (at least one required)


Income from your job

  • Payslips, employment contracts, tax returns.

Business Ownership:

Profits from running a business

  • Business financial statements, tax returns, business registration.


Money earned from starting and growing a business.

  • Business plan, financial statements, tax returns.


Money earned from stocks, shares, or property.

  • Investment statements, property deeds, rental agreements.


Money or assets received from a family member

  • Will, inheritance tax returns, bank statements showing transfer of funds.

Real Estate:

Money from property ownership.

  • Property deeds, rental agreements, valuation reports


Money saved over time.

  • Bank statements, savings account statements.

Intellectual Property:

Money from copyrights, patents, or trademarks.

  • Copyright registrations, patent certificates, licensing agreements.

Lottery or Gambling:

Winnings from lotteries or gambling.

  • Lottery ticket, gambling winnings statements.

Gifts and Donations:

Money received as a gift

  • Gift letter accompanied by bank statements showing transfer of funds.

Pensions and Retirement Funds:

Money from retirement savings.

  • Pension statements, retirement account statements.

In some situations we may also be required to ask for information about the source of funds that has/will be used to fund a particular transaction. Here are some examples of what might be acceptable in these circumstances:

Source of funds

Examples of evidence


Wages, salaries, and bonuses

  • Payslips, employment contracts.

Business Revenue:

Money earned from business operations.

  • Invoices, bank statements, tax returns.

Investment Returns:

Profits from investments.

  • Investment statements, dividend statements.


Money saved over time.

  • Bank statements, savings account statements.


Money borrowed from a bank or other lender.

  • Loan agreement, loan statements.

Gifts and Donations:

Money received as a gift.

  • Gift letter accompanied by bank statements showing transfer of funds.


Money or assets received from a deceased relative

  • Will, inheritance tax returns, bank statements showing transfer of funds.

Sale of Assets:

Money from selling property, stocks, or other valuables.

  • Property deeds, sales contracts, bank statements.

Government Benefits:

Money from government programs.

  • Benefit statements, government identification.

💡If you're unsure about what documents to provide, please contact us via [email protected] for assistance!

Should your specific situation not be included in the table above, please get in touch and the team will be happy to provide you with some guidance.

Please upload your source of wealth documents here:

Once your request has been reviewed, our team will get back to you
via your registered email. 🙂

Increasing your sell limit

​What are my selling limits?

We don't have daily limits on sell orders. Anything you've bought through us you can sell at any time.

If the cryptocurrency wasn't purchased through us originally you will need to provide evidence of where it came from before you can sell more than NZ$100,000 through us (see below for acceptable forms of evidence).

This is NZ$100,000 in total of all crypto not purchased through us - not a per-transaction limit. You can view your total spend limit from your Limits page.

How do I increase my sell limits?

If you bought your cryptocurrency through us originally, nothing further required! As long as we still have the crypto listed, you’ll be able to sell the same amount back to us, no matter what the value has changed to. 😁

💡For example: if you bought 3 BTC and 10 XRP from us, you can sell back 3 BTC and 10 XRP regardless of how high they moon! 🚀

If you're planning on selling more than NZ$100,000 worth of crypto you sourced from somewhere else, we'll need you to provide some additional information on where this crypto has come from.

⚠️ We can only accept PDF files as documentary evidence - csv / xlsx / docx files cannot be accepted.

Here are some examples or suggestions on ways you can show where you got the crypto originally:

Sources of cryptocurrency

Examples of evidence

Purchased on an exchange that performs KYC

  • Bank statements showing deposits to the exchange, exchange account history detailing purchases, withdrawal records or current wallet balance.

Purchased through LocalBitcoins

  • Bank statements showing payments to LocalBitcoins sellers, LocalBitcoins transaction history, withdrawal records or current wallet balance.

The cryptocurrency was mined

  • Proof of mining activity (e.g., mining pool records), wallet address showing newly generated coins.

Obtained through sale of NFTs

  • NFT marketplace transaction history, wallet address showing receipt of cryptocurrency.

Obtained as payment for work

  • Employment contract or invoice, wallet address showing receipt of cryptocurrency.

Gambling winnings

  • Gambling platform transaction history, bank statements showing any deposits or withdrawals.

​For some cases, the type of questions we might ask are:

  • Where is the cryptocurrency now? Provide addresses for the current wallet(s)

  • How did it get there? Past blockchain history showing movements to get there

  • How did you get it? Records of your trading history and bank history supporting

💡Should your specific situation not be included in the table above, please get in touch via [email protected] and the team will be happy to provide you with some guidance.

What if the rate is really good, can I sell it all right now?

Yes. If you purchased from us, sweet as!

If you bought somewhere else just verify your source of crypto with us in advance and you'll be good to go.

So wait, there are no limits on how much I can sell?

Correct. As long as we know where it came from, you can sell it all at once - If it's worth $50,000 you can sell it. If it's worth $5,000,000* you can sell it.

*Currently we are limited to $500,000 per sell order, but you can place multiple orders until you hit your personal limit. If you would like to make a larger order please contact our OTC team to discuss your options [email protected]

Please upload your source of crypto documents here:

Once your request has been reviewed, our team will get back to you
via your registered email. 🙂

How can I buy privacy coins?

If you're wanting to buy privacy coins like Dash and Monero from us, you'll first need to provide some extra information to get your account upgraded.

The reason that we ask for this extra information, is because NZ law requires us to do "enhanced due diligence" on customers who are purchasing coins that "may favour anonymity".

See the above "source of wealth" information for what we can accept as evidence to grant you access to privacy coins.

Once we receive the required information from you, our team will then manually process your request.

💡 The information that you provide is not passed on to any third parties, and we use it only to verify your account. It is highly encrypted and stored behind multiple levels of authentication and 2FA.

Please submit your application to access privacy coins here:

Once your request has been reviewed, our team will get back to you
via your registered email. 🙂

For any questions, or to discuss your specific situation, just get in touch on [email protected] and we can help you out.

For verifying source of funds in Australia, please click here.

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