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How to sell cryptocurrency with Easy Crypto

Video and article guide on how to sell with Easy Crypto

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Written by Easy Crypto
Updated over 9 months ago

Selling cryptocurrency like Bitcoin to get money in your bank account is super easy with Easy Crypto. All you need to do is:

  1. Create a sell order

  2. Send your crypto to the address provided

  3. Let us take care of the rest!

For most banks, you'll have the money in your account the same business day.

If it is your first time selling crypto, it can be a good idea to do a small test order before sending through the full amount. Remember to check out what network you should be using before starting.

For more detail on this process, watch the video below or read on for a detailed step by step guide.

Step 1

Create a sell order

To create a sell order, from the main page click on sell, then choose what coin you are wanting to sell, how much (in either fiat or crypto) and then click Sell Now. These steps are shown in the GIF below.

Step 2

Confirm your bank account

If Easy Crypto does not already have your bank account, you will be given an option to provide it here.

If you want to change your bank account, you can do this under My Account > Details > Bank Account.

Once you are happy and have made sure Easy Crypto will be sending your fiat to the correct bank account, click ' Get deposit address'.

Step 3

Double check your coin and network

It is VERY IMPORTANT to make sure that you are sending the right crypto and over the correct network - if you are unsure of what network to use please read this article.

If the cryptocurrency requires a memo or destination tag, you must include it in your wallet when you send the crypto. ​

🚨 If you do not include a memo when required, or the funds are sent on the incorrect network, your funds may be irretrievably lost.

Step 4

Send the crypto from your wallet

Jump into your wallet and send us the amount of crypto you raised the order for.(address provided during the selling process)If you don't know how to send crypto from a different wallet, you can click here to learn how to do this.

Our systems are 100% automated, so if you send us the wrong amount, your order will see a delay and you may be at risk of losing your funds. If you need any help completing your sell order, use the messenger in the bottom right of the screen to speak to a support agent.

Checklist for selling crypto

  • Create sell order first

  • Check network is the same in your wallet as in the sell order

  • Select your bank account for payout

  • Check network again

  • Check if memo or destination tag is required

  • Send from your wallet to the address provided on the order

  • Wait for payment into your bank account

I haven't received my NZD?

When you place a sell order through us and once we have received the crypto (This is when we lock in the rate) we will then queue your order for payout, you will generally receive the payment the same day.
We process payments periodically throughout the day in batches, and so it may take a few hours from when your order completes to when the NZD arrives in your bank account.

💡Orders made outside of normal business hours (9am-5pm) may not show in your account until the following day.

What to do if your transaction doesn't complete?

Check out this article for next steps I sold crypto but I haven't received it

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